We will outperform all of your existing lead sources or your money back!



We identify, understand and reach your ideal prospects.

We locate auto buyers EVERYWHERE
they are online

Our focused targeting helps you find more consumers ready to BUY

We target buyers using BIG DATA AND AI

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Look Under The Hood

Take advantage of our exclusive dashboard to get insights on how well your campaigns are working.

We Offer Proven, High-Performance Strategies that Deliver Results


Seamlessly push ALL your VDPs onto Facebook and Instagram

Quick, easy and automated. Simply maintaining the information on your site will automate the creation of new ads.


We target engaged leads directly in Facebook and Instagram until they are ready to buy

We measure the level of engagement of everyone who visits your site and/or your listings.

We target them as long as they are engaged in the process of shopping for a vehicle.


Deliver Social Leads directly to your DMS

We connect visits to your listings back to the social profiles of your prospects. Once we have accomplished that, we are able to create leads from within Facebook and Instagram, feeding them back to your DMS.


Ever been followed by an item from Amazon? We use that same strategy

We track all visitors to your site and listings on other sites. As a result, we are able to target them with your ads across all platforms, including search, YouTube, and all social media platforms.


Need more inventory? Deploy our sell-off and buy-back campaigns

These are some of our most successful strategies for raising capital and boosting inventory, respectively.


Need to grow the service side of your business?
We can leverage your current customers by reminding them of their service needs

We maintain a profile of your customers, so that we can target them during the right intervals when they need service.

We Go BEYOND Hyper-Targeting

Make Buyer Pursuit your digital dealerships social media agency.

Buyer Pursuit makes your dealership and automotive inventory visible (on top-of-mind) where people spend most of their online time: Facebook, Instagram and Internet search.

We target potential customers using Big Data and AI, piercing through platform barriers and finding more buyers for your dealership.

We are creating leads from everyone in your area that tracks inventory on CarFax, Cars.com, Cargurus, etc. We are able to follow them where they spend the most time online, displaying your inventory and offering similar makes and models that are consistent with their previous search behavior.

Partnership Packages




FB Dynamic Ads

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Buy Back Campaigns

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Repair & Service Campaigns

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Google Campaigns

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Google Shopping

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FB Marketplace for Used Only

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Branding Services & Video Editing

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B2B Fleet Vehicles

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SEO Services for Dealerships

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Analysis of Current Products

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Dealer Dashboard

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Review Services

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Web Presence Optimization (EMB AM)

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Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest

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Email Workflow

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We’re Grateful to Work With Incredible Clients

Case Studies